Saturday, 06 August 2011 03:31

Aromatic Amino Compounds: Health Hazards

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Chemical Name


ICSC Short-Term Exposure

ICSC Long-Term Exposure

ICSC Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

US NIOSH Target Organs & Routes of Entry

US NIOSH Symptoms

4-AMINODIPHENYL         92-67-1

eyes; bladder

Inhalation: dullness, headache

Skin: may be absorbed

Eyes: redness

Bladder; skin (bladder cancer)Inh; abs; ing; con

Head, dizz; leth, dysp; ataxia, weak; methemo; urinary burning; acute hemorrhagic cystitis; (carc)

o-AMINOPHENOL            95-55-6



Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, cough, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing, unconsciousness, symptoms may be delayed

Eyes: Redness

ANILINE            62-53-3

eyes; blood; CNS

liver; kidneys; spleen; skin; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, headache, dizziness, laboured breathing, convulsions, increased heartbeat, vomiting, weakness, unconsciousness

Skin: may be absorbed

Eyes: redness

Blood; CVS; eyes; liver; kidneys; resp sys  (in animals: tumors of the spleen) Inh; abs; ing; con

Head, weak, dizz; cyan; ataxia; dysp on effort; tacar; irrit eyes; methemo; cirr; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; blood

skin; spleen; kidneys; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, cough, dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, sore throat, unconsciousness, vomiting, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain

o-ANISIDINE      90-04-0



Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting

Skin: may be absorbed

Blood; kidneys; liver; CVS; CNSInh; abs; ing; con

Head, dizz; cyan; RBC Heinz bodies; (carc)

p-ANISIDINE      104-94-9



Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, vomiting

Skin: may be absorbed, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

Ingestion: blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

Blood; kidneys; liver; CVS; CNSInh; abs; ing; con

Head, dizz; cyan; RBC Heinz bodies; (carc)

BENZIDINE        92-87-5

Bladder; kidneys; liver; skin; blood  (liver, kidney and bladder cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Hema; secondary anemia from hemolysis; acute cystitis; acute liver disorders; derm;  painful, irreg urination; (carc)

o-CHLOROANILINE         95-51-2

eyes; skin

skin; liver; kidneys; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, convulsions, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain

m-CHLOROANILINE         108-42-9

eyes; skin; resp tract; liver; kidneys


Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, unconsciousness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, burning sensation

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal pain,

p-CHLOROANILINE         106-47-8

eyes; skin; resp tract; blood

skin ; blood; liver; kidneys; spleen ; bone marrow

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: nausea

2,4-DIAMINOTOLUENE    95-80-7

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; heart; liver; blood


Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, increased heart rate, laboured breathing, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, respiratory depression

Skin: may be absorbed, redness on contact with molten material - skin burns, blisters

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: abdominal pain, blue skin, headache, nausea, vomiting

Eyes, skin, resp sys, blood, CVS, liver, CNS  (in animals: liver, skin & mammary gland tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, throat; derm; ataxia, tacar, nau, vomit, convuls, resp depres; methemo, cyan, head, ftg, dizz, bluish skin; liver inj; (carc)

2,6-DIAMINOTOLUENE    823-40-5

eyes; skin; resp tract; blood


Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, cough, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath

Skin: redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: laboured breathing

2,3-DICHLOROANILINE    608-27-5

liver; kidneys

skin ; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, convulsions, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, vomiting, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

2,4-DICHLOROANILINE    554-00-7

liver; kidneys

skin ; blood

Inhalation: blue skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, skin burns

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal pain, nausea

2,5-DICHLOROANILINE    95-82-9

liver; kidneys

skin ; blood

Inhalation: blue skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, skin burns

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal pain, nausea

2,6-DICHLOROANILINE    608-31-1

liver; kidneys

skin ; blood

Inhalation: blue skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

3,4-DICHLOROANILINE    95-76-1

liver; kidneys

skin; blood

Inhalation: blue skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, burning sensation

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal pain, nausea

3,3'-DICHLOROBENZIDINE     91-94-1

resp tract

skin; liver

Inhalation: cough, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed

Bladder; liver; lung ; skin; GI tract  (in animals: liver & bladder cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Skin sens, derm; head, dizz; caustic burns; frequent urination, dysuria; hema; GI upset; upper resp infection; (carc)

DIMETHYLANILINE          121-69-7



Inhalation: abdominal pain, blue skin, dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, laboured breathing, unconsciousness, vomiting, visual disturbance

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Blood; kidneys;liver; CVSInh; abs; ing; con

Anoxia US NIOSH Symptoms; cyan, weak, dizz, ataxia; methemo


Skin; resp sys; liver; kidneys; bladder ( in animals: liver & bladder tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Enlarged liver; liver, kidney dysfunc; contact derm; cough, wheez, dysp; bloody sputum; bronchial secretions; frequent urination, hema, dysuria; (carc)


blood; brain; kidneys

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed

2,4-DINITROANILINE       97-02-9

eyes; skin; resp tract; blood


Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, cough, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: unconsciousness

DIPHENYLAMINE            122-39-4

eyes; skin; resp tract


Inhalation: cough, sore throat

Skin: redness

Eyes: redness

Eyes; skin; resp sys; CVS; blood; bladder; repro sysInh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin muc memb; eczema; tacar, hypertension; cough, sneez; methemo; incr BP, heart rate; prot, hema, bladder inj; in animals: terato effects


skin; blood; brain; kidneys

skin ; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing

Skin: may be absorbed, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: nausea

Eyes; skin; resp sys; blood; CVS; liver; kidneysInh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; head, weak, dizz; cyan; ataxia; dysp on effort; tacar; methemo


eyes; skin


Inhalation: cough, irritant

Skin: redness, irritant

Eyes: redness, irritant


eyes; skin; resp tract; blood; brain; kidneys

skin; blood

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, cough, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, pain

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: abdominal pain, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea

Resp sys; liver; kidneys; blood; CNSInh; abs; ing; con

Weak, dizz, head; dysp, cyan; methemo; pulm edema; liver, kidney damage

1,5-NAPHTHALENEDIAMINE     2243-62-1


Skin: may be absorbed

a-NAPHTHYLAMINE        134-32-7

Bladder; skin  (bladder cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Derm; hemorrhagic cystitis; dysp, ataxia, methemo; hema; dysuria; (carc)

b-NAPHTHYLAMINE         91-59-8

Bladder; skin  (bladder cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Derm; hemorrhagic cystitis; dysp; ataxia; methemo, hema; dysuria; (carc)



Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

m-NITROANILINE            99-09-2


Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin




Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin

Resp sys; blood; heart; liver; ­abs; ing; con

Irrit nose, throat; cyan, ataxia; tacar, tachypnea; dysp; irrity; vomit, diarr; convuls; resp arrest; anemia; methemo; jaundice



Skin: redness


resp tract; blood; kidneys

skin; resp tract

Inhalation: cough, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing

Skin: redness

Eyes: redness, blurred vision, even permanent loss of vision

Ingestion: abdominal pain, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin, vomiting, weakness, convulsions, coma, death

Resp sys ; skinInh; abs; ing; con

Irrit pharynx, larynx; bronchial asthma; sens derm


eyes; skin; resp tract; blood; brain; kidneys

skin; resp tract; liver

Inhalation: cough, dizziness, laboured breathing, see ingestion

Skin: redness

Eyes: blurred vision, even permanent loss of vision

Ingestion: abdominal pain, blue lips or fingernails, blue skin, vomiting, weakness, swelling of the face and neck, convulsions, coma, death

o-TOLIDINE        119-93-7

eyes; skin; resp tract

skin; blood

Inhalation: cough, weak irritant

Skin: may be absorbed

Eyes; resp sys; liver; kidneys; (in animals: liver, bladder & mammary gland tumors)Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, nose; in animals: liver, kidney damage; (carc)

o-TOLUIDINE      95-53-4

Eyes; skin; blood; kidneys; liver; CVS  (in animals: liver, bladder & mammary gland tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes; anoxia, head, cyan; weak, dizz, drow; micro hema, eye burns; derm;  (carc)

XYLIDINE          1300-73-8

eyes; skin; resp tract; blood

kidneys; liver; red blood cells

Inhalation: blue lips or finger nails, blue skin, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing

Skin: may be absorbed

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: blue lips or fingernails, blue skin, dizziness, headache

Resp sys; blood; liver; kidneys; CVSInh; abs; ing; con

Anoxia, cyan, methemo; lung, liver, kidney damage



Read 4083 times Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2011 20:01

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