Sunday, 07 August 2011 01:04

Epoxy Compounds: Health Hazards

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Chemical Name


ICSC Short-Term Exposure

ICSC Long-Term Exposure

ICSC Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

US NIOSH Target Organs & Routes of Entry

US NIOSH Symptoms


eyes; skin; resp tract


Eyes; resp sys; skin; liver; kidneys Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, muc memb; pulm edema; in animals: liver, kidney inj



Eyes; skin; resp sys; CNS; blood Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose; sens; narco; possible hemato effects; CNS depres

DIGLYCIDYL ETHER     2238-07-5

Skin; eyes; resp sys; repro sys (in animals: skin tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; skin burns; in animals: hemato sys, lung, liver, kidney damage; repro effects; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS

skin; asthma; genes; reproduction system

Inhalation: pain, burning sensation, cough, laboured breathing, shortness of breath, vomiting, headache, unconsciousness

Skin: may be absorbed, pain, redness, severe skin burns

Eyes: pain, blurred vision, severe deep burns

Ingestion: burning sensation, abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness

Resp sys; skin; kidneys; eyes; liver; repro sys (in animals: nasal cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin with deep pain; nau, vomit; abdom pain; resp distress, cough; cyan; repro effects; (carc)

1,2-EPOXYBUTANE      106-88-7

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs

Inhalation: burning sensation, confusion, headache, laboured breathing, nausea, unconsciousness, symptoms may be delayed

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: abdominal pain

1,2-EPOXYPROPANE      75-56-9

Eyes; skin; resp sys (in animals: nasal tumors) Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; blisters, burns; (carc)

2,3-EPOXYPROPANOL     556-52-5

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS


Inhalation: cough, irritant, dizziness, narcotic, laboured breathing

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, irritant

Eyes: redness, severe irritant, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain, irritant

Eyes; skin; resp sys; CNS Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, throat; narco

ETHYLENE OXIDE          75-21-8

Eyes; blood; resp sys; liver; CNS; kidneys; skin; repro sys (peritoneal cancer, leukemia) Inh; ing (liq); con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, throat; peculiar taste; head; nau, vomit, diarr; dysp, cyan, pulm edema; drow; inco; EKG abnor; eye, skin burns (liq or high vap conc); liq: frostbite; repro effects; (carc); in animals: convuls; liver, kidney damage

FURFURAL         98-01-1

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: cough, headache, laboured breathing, shortness of breath, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, pain

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, headache, sore throat, vomiting

Eyes; resp sys; skin Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, upper resp sys; head; derm


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs


Inhalation: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed, dry skin, redness

Eyes: redness, pain, lachrymation, blurred vision, swelling of the eyelids

Ingestion: unconsciousness

Resp sys; eyes; skin; CNS Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, muc memb; dizz; nau, diarr; diuresis; resp, body temperature depres; vomit; derm


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

Eyes; skin; resp sys; blood; repro sys Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, upper resp sys; skin sens; possible hemato, repro effects


Eyes; skin; CNS; hemato sys; repro sys (in animals: nasal cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, upper resp sys; skin sens; narco; possible hemato, repro effects; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: dizziness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness

Skin: dry skin, redness, roughness

Eyes: redness, pain

Resp sys; skin; eyes; CNS Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, upper resp sys; nau, dizz, head, CNS depres


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs

Inhalation: laboured breathing, sore throat

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, swelling

Eyes: redness

Eyes; skin; resp sys; blood; thymus; repro sys (in animals: skin tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

In animals: irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; testicular atrophy; leupen; nec thymus; skin sens; (carc)



Read 4214 times Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2011 19:50

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