Sunday, 07 August 2011 07:06

Halogenated Saturated Hydrocarbons: Health Hazards

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Chemical Name    


ICSC Short-Term Exposure

ICSC Long-Term Exposure

ICSC Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

US NIOSH Target Organs & Routes of Entry

US NIOSH Symptoms

BROMOFORM     75-25-2

eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS; liver; kidneys; heart; blood


Inhalation: reddening of the face, salivation, disturbance of movements, convulsions, cough, dizziness, headache, laboured breathing, unconsciousness, loss of memory, shock, symptoms may be delayed

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: burning sensation

Eyes; skin; liver; kidneys; resp sys; CNS Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; CNS depres; liver, kidney damage


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS; liver; kidneys


Inhalation: sore throat, cough, laboured breathing, dullness, drowsiness, symptoms may be delayed

Skin: redness, pain, serious skin burns

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: sore throat, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dullness

Eyes; skin; resp sys; kidneys; liver Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; lac; lung, liver, kidney inj; in animals: corn damage


eyes; CNS; liver; kidneys

skin; CNS

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, pain

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain, diarrhoea

CNS; eyes; lungs; liver; kidneys; skin (in animals: liver cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; CNS depres; nau, vomit; liver, kidney inj; drow, dizz, inco; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

kidneys; liver

Inhalation: confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, unconsciousnessSkin: dry skin, redness, roughnessEyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Skin; liver; kidneys; resp sys; eyes; CNS Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, throat; conf, dizz, CNS depres; pulm edema

CHLOROFORM   67-66-3

eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS; CVS; GI tract; liver; kidneys


Inhalation: cough, drowsiness, headache, nausea

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, pain

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain, vomiting

Liver; kidneys; heart; eyes; skin; CNS (in animals: liver & kidney cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; dizz, mental dullness, nau, conf; head, ftg; anes; enlarged liver; (carc)

2-CHLORO-2-METHYLPROPANE          507-20-0

Eyes; skin; resp sys

1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLORO­PROPANE          96-12-8

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; liver; kidneys

liver; kidneys

Inhalation: extremely irritating, burning sensation, cough, headache, shortness of breath, sore throat, weakness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: burning sensation, nausea, sore throat, vomiting

CNS; skin; liver; kidneys; spleen; repro system; GI tract; resp sys; digestive sys (in animals: cancer of the nasal cavity, tongue, pharynx, lungs, stomach, adrenal & mammary glands) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, throat; drow; nau, vomit; pulm edema; liver, kidney inj; sterility; (carc)

DIBROMOETHANE          74-95-3

eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS; kidneys; liver


Inhalation: dizziness, respiratory failure, nausea, headache, vomiting, narcosis.diarrhoea, dullness

Skin: may be absorbed, dry skin, redness

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: gastro-intestinal irritation

1,2-DIBROMOETHANE     106-93-4

eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

lungs; liver; kidneys; carcinogenic to humans; human reproduction

Inhalation: Burning sensation, cough, laboured breathing, shortness of breath, unconsciousness.

Skin: May be absorbed! Pain., redness, blisters

Eyes: Pain, redness, severe deep burns.

Ingestion: Abdominal cramps, confusion, diarrhoea, headache (further see Inhalation).

Resp sys; liver; kidneys; skin; eyes; repro sys (in animals: skin & lung tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; derm with vesic; liver, heart, spleen, kidney damage; repro effects; (carc)

1,1-DICHLOROETHANE    75-34-3

eyes; resp tract; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, nausea, unconsciousness

Skin: dry skin, roughness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: burning sensation

Skin; liver; kidneys; lungs; CNS Inh; ing; con

Irrit skin; CNS depres; liver, kidney, lung damage


aerosol irritates eyes and skin

Skin: redness, pain


eyes; skin; resp tract; nervous system

dermatitis; liver ; blood; malformations in human babies

Inhalation: Anorexia, diarrhoea, drowsiness, headache, sore throat.

Skin: Dry skin, redness, pain.

Eyes: Redness, pain.

Ingestion: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting.

Eyes; skin; resp sys; liver; kidneys; CNS (in animals: liver & mammary gland tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; drow, li-head; liver, kidney damage; in animals: CNS depres; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; may effect blood; CNS; liver


Skin: redness, pain

ETHYL BROMIDE            74-96-4

Skin; liver; kidneys; resp sys; CVS; CNS; eyes Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; CNS depres; pulm edema; liver, kidney disease; card arrhy, card arrest

ETHYL CHLORIDE           75-00-3

Inhalation: abdominal cramps, dizziness, dullness, headache

Skin: may be absorbed, on contact with liquid: frostbite

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Liver; kidneys; resp sys; CVS Inh; abs (liq); ing (liq); con

Inco, inebri; abdom cramps; card arrhy, card arrest; liver, kidney damage

ETHYL IODIDE   75-03-6

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS; kidneys; thyroid; liver

Inhalation: unpleasant taste, confusion, cough, drowsiness, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, pain in extremities

Skin: may be absorbed, skin burns, blisters

Eyes: vapour will be absorbed, severe deep burns


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

lungs; liver; kidneys; reproduction system

Inhalation: burning sensation, cough, laboured breathing, shortness of breath, unconsciousness

Skin: may be absorbed, pain, redness, blisters

Eyes: pain, redness, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal cramps, confusion, diarrhoea, headache

Resp sys; liver; kidneys; skin; eyes; repro sys (in animals: skin & lung tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; derm with vesic; liver, heart, spleen, kidney damage; repro effects; (carc)


Kidneys; liver; eyes; skin;CNS; CVS (in animals: forestomach, mammary gland & circulatory sys cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, corn opac; CNS depres; nau, vomit; derm; liver, kidney, CVS damage; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS

skin; CNS; bone marrow; liver; sex hormones; genitalia

Inhalation: confusion, dizziness, headache, vomiting, weakness, irritability, tremors, paresthesia

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: dizziness, drowsiness, laboured breathing, vomiting, tremors, muscles spasms, convulsions, depression


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

blood; liver

Inhalation: weakness, tremors

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting


eyes; skin; resp tract; CNS

blood; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: weakness, tremors, convulsions

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness

Ingestion: diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting



liver; kidneys; CNS

Skin: may be absorbed

Eyes; skin; resp sys; kidneys (in animals: liver cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, muc memb; in animals: kidney damage; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs


METHYL BROMIDE          74-83-9

eyes; resp tract; lungs; may effect CNS

skin; lungs; CNS; liver; kidneys; brain

Inhalation: dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, chest pain, vomiting, weakness, hallucinations, loss of speech, incoordination, laboured breathing, lungs oedema, convulsions

Skin: may be absorbed, itching, tingling, burning sensation, redness, blisters, pain, on contact with liquid: frostbite

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision, temporary loss of vision, blindness for 12 hours

CNS; resp sys; skin; eyes (in animals: lung, kidney & forestomach tumors) Inh; abs (liq); con (liq)

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; musc weak, inco, vis dist, verti; nau, vomit, head; mal; hand tremor; convuls; dysp; skin vesic; liq: frostbite; (carc)

METHYL CHLORIDE        74-87-3

CNS: resulting in brain damage; liver; kidneys; bone marrow

Inhalation: confusion, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, staggering gait, nausea, unconsciousness, vomiting, convulsions and respiratory failure

Skin: may be absorbed, on contact with liquid: frostbite

CNS; liver; kidneys; repro sys (in animals: lung, kidney & forestomach tumors) Inh; con (liq)

Dizz, nau, vomit; vis dist, stagger, slurred speech, convuls, coma; liver, kidney damage; liq: frostbite; repro, terato effects; (carc)


CNS; skin; eyes; repro sys (in animals: lung, kidney & forestomach tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; nau, vomit; verti, ataxia; slurred speech, drow; derm; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs

skin; CNS; liver; brain

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness, weakness, death

Skin: dry skin, redness, burning sensation

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

Ingestion: abdominal pain

skin; CVS; eyes; CNS (in animals: lung, liver, salivary & mammary gland tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; ftg, weak, som, li-head, numb tingle limbs; nau; (carc)

1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE   79-34-5

eyes; skin; resp tract

skin; liver; kidneys; CNS

Skin; liver; kidneys; CNS; GI tract ( in animals: liver tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Nau, vomit, abdom pain; tremor fingers; jaun, hepatitis, liver tend; derm; monocy; kidney damage; (carc)

1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE     71-55-6

eyes; skin; resp tract; inhalation may cause shortness of breath; may effect CNS; liver; kidneys

skin; liver; kidneys

Skin; CVS; CNS; eyes; liver Inh; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; head, lass, CNS depres, poor equi; derm; card arrhy; liver damage

1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE     79-00-5

eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect CNS; liver; kidneys


CNS; eyes; nose; liver; kidneys; kidneys Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, nose; CNS depres; liver, kidney damage; derm; (carc)

1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE     96-18-4

eyes; skin; resp tract; may effect liver

Inhalation: headache, unconsciousness

Skin: redness

Eyes: redness

Eyes; resp sys; skin; CNS; liver; kidneys (in animals: forestomach, liver & mammary gland cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, nose, throat; CNS depres; in animals: liver, kidney inj; (carc)



Read 4466 times Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2011 19:21

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