Friday, 12 August 2011 00:07

Sulphur Compounds, Inorganic: Health Hazards

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Chemical Name    


ICSC Short-Term Exposure

ICSC Long-Term Exposure

ICSC Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

US NIOSH Target Organs & Routes of Entry

US NIOSH Symptoms


Resp sys; eyes Inh; con

Irrit eyes, nose, throat; cough, dysp


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS

Inhalation: confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, weakness, irritability, hallucination

Skin: may be absorbed, dry skin, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

CNS; PNS; CVS; eyes; kidneys; liver; skin; repro sys Inh; abs; ing; con

Dizz, head, poor sleep, ftg, ner, anor, low-wtg; psychosis; polyneur; Parkinson-like syndrome; ocular changes; coronary heart disease; gastritis; kidney, liver inj; eye, skin burns; derm; repro effects


Resp sys; eyes; CNS Inh; con

Irrit eyes, resp sys; apnea, coma, convuls; conj, eye pain, lac, photo, corn vesic; dizz, head, ftg, irrity, insom; GI dist


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs

Inhalation: cough, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, sore throat, weakness, symptoms may have delayed effects

Skin: redness, skin burns, pain

Eyes: redness, pain, severe deep burns

SULPHUR DIOXIDE     7446-09-5

eyes; resp tract; lungs; skin


Inhalation: irritation of respiratory tract, cough, choking, sneezing

Skin: on contact with liquid: frostbite

Eyes: irritation burns

Resp sys; skin; eyes Inh; con

Irrit eyes, nose, throat; rhin; choking, cough; reflex bronchoconstriction; liq: frostbite

SULPHUR          7704-34-9

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs

skin; resp tract

Ingestion: Inhalation: burning sensation, cough, sore throat

Skin: redness

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred visionburning sensation, diarrhoea



Read 3831 times Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2011 18:53

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